Year-end accounting clean-up is a necessary part of the yearly financial cycle. It involves the process of reviewing, adjusting, and closing out past financial records. This process is important to ensure that all financial records are accurate and up-to-date. It also helps identify any discrepancies between the reported financials and actual financials. Year end accounting clean up is a critical step in maintaining the integrity of the financial statements and providing accurate reports to stakeholders. Additionally, it helps to ensure that taxes are accurately reported and any necessary adjustments are made. It is important to remember that year end accounting clean up should be done on a regular basis to ensure the accuracy of financial records and to keep up with changing regulations.
Explain importance of closing out books at end of year
Overview of key tasks like reconciling accounts, recording revenue/expenses, assessing inventory, updating budgets, etc.
Note this helps provide accurate financial picture and clean slate for new year
Reconcile All Accounts
Reconcile bank and credit card statements
Reconcile supplier and customer accounts
Ensure no outstanding payments or credits
Record Any Outstanding Revenue or Expenses
Log all outstanding invoices and bills
Record all income and expenses accrued but not yet paid
Assess Inventory
Do a physical count and update inventory records
Write down and dispose of obsolete inventory
Update Accounting Software
Enter all transactions and adjustments
Run end of year reports
Backup data
Close Out Budgets
Review current year budget vs. actuals
Adjust next year budget based on current year performance
Prepare Financial Statements
Generate Profit & Loss Statement
Prepare Balance Sheet
Assess company's year-end financial position
Completing these accounting tasks allows businesses to start the new year with accurate, up-to-date financial records. This creates a clean slate and provides critical insight into the company's financial health.